God that cannot care for His creation, is that one God?

Not even God can stop you from succeeding because you are god yourself. His plans for us are for good and His grace is sufficient for you and I. You just need that willpower that is in you to manifest your powers and become successful.

God is for us!
He is bound in conscience to care for what he has created if not he looses His Godship.
God that cannot care for his creation, is that one God?
And this, He cannot dare.

What, then, is the problem?

The problem is that we have failed to know that God is always by our side.

The problem is that we don't know who we are.

The problem is that you don't know that God needs you and you need God.

The problem is that you have failed to acknowledge the presence of god-like spirit in you.

The problem is that you have failed to know that you are god.

The problem is that you don't know you have the power to harmonize nature in your favour.

The problem is that you have failed to have positive thoughts.

The problem is that you like to look for who to accuse for your failures.

The problem is that you like to shift blames to others when you are actually your problem.

The problem is that you are busy waiting for when the myth of Genesis (where God is presumed to have fed the Israelites in the wilderness with manna from heaven) will repeat itself without knowing that it is just a mere illusion.

The problem is that you have failed to acknowledge that you are what you make out of your life; a success or a failure.

The problem is that you have failed to understand that God commissioned you to continue the creation story. He created out of nothing (creatio ex nihilo) but he wants you to create from something.

The problem is that you are waiting for what the world will offer you when you should be concerned with what you'll offer to mankind for posterity sake.

You need to be among the smart people.
Hate to be recognized among the work-sleep people who live their lives as if they are programmed. They continue to do the same thing repeatedly till they die. They go to work, come back from work, sleep and wake up. Go to work the next day they just continue to record the same kind of events all the days of their lives like robotics or AI.

Be a smart person.
S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Accuracy
R = Realistic
T = Time

Smart people are proactive (they happen to the world  and they don't wait for the world to happen to them so that they can react to the world). They know what they want and go for it. They know what to do and how to do it and they do it. They are inventors and are always consumed with the thought of what they can offer to the world.

They set specific, measurable, accurate and  realistic goals and set deadlines for their goals. This is how they say and do it; "I want to set up a beauty parlour by June 30, 2020. It will cost me about $850 US dollars. I have $150 US dollars at hand. So, I'll save $75 US dollars each month so that it will enable me to meet up with my deadline. The beauty parlour will be located near a mall and stuffs like that". You can see that this person has a clear vision of what he wants to do and goes about doing it. He sets time limit in order to mount pressure on himself so as to meet up with the deadline. Practice this type of goals today don't wait till tomorrow.

They know that they are what they make out of their time and so, they never let go of any time at their disposal not properly utilized for a good productive end. When you learn to be and act like the smart people then you are god.


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