How To Win A Woman's Heart?

"Sir, my girlfriend said I am not caring. Can you help me with maybe tips or how to care about people? She left me to another guy so I want to know how to care for people. Please, teach me I am ever ready to learn. I have heard you talk in one of your relationship talks about 'the little things that matter in a relationship'. Please, what are those little things?"

This was a private mail one of my page visitors sent to me. I felt that someone out there needs a help and counseling. I took him down the memory lane with what he needs to know and the pragmatic approaches to a healthy relationship. Indeed it was helpful to him and he actually got his dream kind of girl. I strongly believe that you out there or your wards may be having similar situation in your relationship. Have a good read of how to win a woman's heart? It's practical and it's helpful.

Are there times in life when you think you were left and rejected by your lover to be alone in the lone world with no one to console you? Like Orduson Michael, have your girlfriend, lover or spouse left you for another man or woman because you are not caring? Are you fed-up with your love life because boredom has become the routine and wish to let in fresh air? Do you want to be the reason why people around you are smiling? And so on, if your answer to these questions is "yes" then,  the little things that matter is for you.

To make your lover happy and wanting to be by yourself in a relationship, there's what we call the little things that matter in a relationship. The little things that matter are those situations in life we neglect or take for granted in our day-to-day activities. We ignore, overlook or pay little or no attention to them but actually they determine our relationship status and happiness in life. They include:

First, you must learn to be empathetic. Empathy means putting yourself in another person's place. So, ask yourself what can my lover do to make me happy and I will always love to be around him/her? Provide answers to this question, then, do those things to your lover and you'll forever be the man of his/her life.

Second, pay attention to what she likes. In other words, you must accommodate her interests, strengths and weaknesses. For instance, if she likes watching Al Jazeera you must make out time to watch and share memories of it together. That gives her a sense of belonging. And the truth is that ladies love men who protect their interests.

Third, Be protective. Ladies love their men to prove to them that they can protect them from internal and external influences and they (ladies) love privacy to the last. You need to be independent. Own your own house even if it is one room apartment because ladies love to feel free and at home. Don't squat with your parents and expect your lady to clap hands for you or come around you always.

Fourth, be responsible. Responsibility means the ability to make right decisions for yourself and accepting full control of the result of your actions and in-actions. Responsibility equally extends to showing care for her. Ask her times without number about her plans for life and for the near or distant future. That reminds her that you are concerned about her happiness. Honestly, for you to win a lady's heart you must seek to promote her value the best you can. She must feel protected when she's with you and you must make her understand that she'll learn many things just being with you.

Fifth, check on her always. Call, text, say and do crazy things to her (some pretend to be Virgin Mary of the 21st Century) but when you get them activated you'll see they love the whole dirty talks all the time. Buy her sweet and pay attention to what she likes and dislikes. Take her to a scary but lonely places. Show her the warmth she'd love to feel that moment.

Sixth, do funny things like biting her neck and ears, tickling her, sing for her, customize naughty words you guys use for fun.

Look smart!
Be funny!
Be protective!
Be real!
Be moral!
Be responsible!


Jacob Felix said…
This is a great dish of intellectual wisdom. Thanks for promoting the happiness of humanity Mr Ikechukwu.

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