Insecurity Management


Security simply means freedom from danger, risk or loss. It is ensuring the safety of lives, properties and information. On the other hand, community is from the Latin word "communis" which means "common." Therefore, community is a group of people who live together and have a common origin, history and ideology. However, unemployment, poverty and other social vices like criminal activities, political violence, terrorism, insurgency, and cyber-crimes expose citizens to vulnerability. To be vulnerable means to be exposed to harm, attack and danger and this is inevitable.

There are whole lots of ways the community can contribute to insecurity or social unrest which include:

Lack of Religious Tolerance: Many religious leaders teach their congregation that other religions are rebels or enemies. To curb religious intolerance, different religions should preach tolerance and see other religions as equally an authentic means of communing with the supreme being just in the same way in going to Abuja one may decide to go by foot, another by car, yet another by flight but the common factor is getting to Abuja. If religion is embraced with this kind of funfair mankind will be peaceful. If Boko Haram for example can learn to integrate Western Education with their Islamic Education and tolerate other religions, Boko Haram insurgency will be a moon light tale.

Lack of Good Parental Upbringing: It is very painful that many parents have loosed sight of their parental roles to raise good/moral children. These children grow up half-baked and cause nuisance in the community. Note: Good parents beget good children; good children beget good community and; good community beget good government. So, parents ought to raise their children in good ways such that when the grow up they'll not depart from it.

Lack of Foresight and Skill: Many have the character of thinking that the government should provide all necessities of life and when the government fail to provide those amenities they resort to violence. Instead of thinking for what they will do for the government they are waiting for what they government will do for them. Note: The government will provide but before the government does that provide for yourself. Learn skills that can make you employable and employers of labour and not job seekers.

Summarily, mankind should know it that the family begets community and community begets government so if the family is peaceful then the community will be peaceful and if the community is peaceful then the government will be peaceful. Also, love is preferable to hate and mutual exhortation preferable to mutual suspicion.
In conclusion, insecurity is a common threat to humanity and more threatening about it is that if you are not the victim today, you may be the victim tomorrow so I implore you to key into the fight against insecurity by reporting security issues to security agents and being security conscious. As such, say no to insecurity and embrace peace because where there's peace there's progress and development.

©Ovuoba Ikechukwu Peter
Friday 30th of August, 2019


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